Chapter Activities and Projects
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Historic Preservation
Annual Ancestor Roundup
Genealogy Seminar
Each January, the Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, hosts a genealogy seminar. The Ancestor Round-Up is a great way to get introduced to an overview of researching your ancestry, while it also offers courses for those more experienced. One of the most popular courses we offer is the class on Finding Your Revolutionary Ancestor.
If you would like to attend, please contact us for additional information on the seminar and courses offered.
Constitution Week
The Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, has received proclamations from cities on the Monterey Peninsula commemorating the signing of the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787. Constitution Week observance was signed into law by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956 from a Congressional resolution petitioned by the DAR.
Women in American History Award
Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, presented a WWII veteran the NSDAR Women in American History Award for her national, community, and DAR service. A chapter member, who is a local historian and author, was also awarded the Women in American History Award.
American History Essay Contest
Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, sponsors this DAR contest for students in fifth through eighth grades who write on a historical topic selected by DAR.
DAR Good Citizens Awards
Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, provides a monetary award for the winning senior from each high school and a greater award for the overall winner selected by our judges.
Youth Awards Luncheon
Winning essays are selected, and students are invited, along with their parents and teachers, to a special luncheon where the winners are honored and presented with DAR medals, certificates, and monetary awards. The winning essays are also sent for further judging at the district, state, and national levels.
Veterans and Active Military Support
Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, supports military through the Palo Alto Veterans Hospital, and we attend Memorial Day and Veterans Day events throughout the Monterey Peninsula.
Members of the Commodore Sloat NSDAR Pre-Parade, Monterey CA 7/4/23
Commodore Sloat Daughters Honor the Veterans on Memorial Day 2022 in Salinas, CA
Wreaths Across America
Each December, we honor soldiers by participating in Wreaths Across America. Our Commodore Sloat Daughters are committed to donating wreaths for this national remembrance.
Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC)
2024 Scholarships and Awards
Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, recognizes outstanding JROTC students at Marina, Monterey, and Seaside High Schools with a DAR medal, certificate, and scholarship award.

Annual Meeting and Tea
Several members of Commodore Sloat Chapter, NSDAR, attended the CSSDAR State Conference.
Continental Congress 2017
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution
California State Society Daughters of the American Revolution